Read about how BeHeard leads to improved operational efficiency through…
- Identifying QSR problem areas
- Optimising your menus
- Increasing customer retention and loyalty
- Streamlining your decision-making process
- Targeting your market
- Maintaining consistent performance
YUMBI’s BeHeard feature allows your QSR to gather and analyse customer feedback not only effectively, but also immediately so that you can respond to customer feedback without delay. Here’s how BeHeard can help you produce youryou’re ‘a-game’ with unparalleled consistency, leading to outstanding operational excellence:
BeHeard identifies problem areas
It quickly highlights specific areas needing improvement (examples would be slow service or menu dissatisfaction), so that you can improve customer service by addressing these issues promptly.
BeHeard helps you optimise your menu
With BeHeard you can gather detailed customer feedback on what menu items your customers love. Identifying your best-sellers and underperformers helps you make informed decisions on which items to promote or modify, and which to remove.
BeHeard improves staff performance
The data delivered by BeHeard through customer comments provide you with deep insights to identify what staff training is needed and where. It also provides you with valuable feedback as to which staff members are performing well.
BeHeard increases customer retention
At the end of the day, it’s all about gaining and keeping customers! With BeHeard, you get all the answers you need when it comes to how your customers perceive your service. From ordering to delivery, your customer feedback puts you firmly in control to make adjustments as and when you need to do so, proving to your customers that you care.
BeHeard streamlines your decision making
BeHeard removes the guesswork from any operational decisions you make. It provides you with hard, data-driven statistics so that your strategies are always based on facts.
BeHeard helps target your market with ease
Understanding your customer demographics and preferences is vital when it comes to your marketing efforts. BeHeard helps you reach the right market at the right time with the right message.
BeHeard improves your performance consistently
Thanks to BeHeard, your QSR gets to develop and maintain a dynamic and responsive customer communications strategy that stays abreast of your ever-changing market needs. It evolves as your customer evolves, keeping you at the forefront of service excellence.